Amethysta Herrick, Ph.D.

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Amethysta Herrick, Ph.D. is a writer, podcaster, and activist.  Her works focuses on the origin and nature of identity, especially gender.  Ami has been a geneticist, a chemist, a software engineer, and a manager, but her greatest challenge to date is taking on the entrenched fallacy that identity and gender are only of concern to the LGBTQ community.  Instead, she teaches that identity is an ongoing process every human engages in throughout life.  In her spare time, Ami speaks about the scientific definitions of both sex and gender.

Recorded LIVE on The Transverse 2/6/24
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Creators and Guests

Emily Kailyn
Emily Kailyn
Emily is the founder and President of the transgender support organization, The Transverse.
Amethysta Herrick, Ph.D.
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